Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So the past week has been kind of hectic with assignments building up and all seem to be due around the same time...argh! And my computer would not let me sign in to blogger for a few days...but finally it let me today so thought i better take the chance to write my blog now before anything else goes wrong....

So, in class we learnt about Web 2.0 and Web 1.0, authority on the internet and Erikas example of wikipedia. Just went over Thomas Chesneys reading about the credibility of Wikipedia which really gave me an insight about it. So wikipedia is a free, online encyclopedia where anyone can add content or existing content...(now i know why lecturers don't let us use this as a reference.. haha). I still, however, use and find information on the internet, and me probably being naieve, but I always expected it to be correct...hmm, now i will make sure where this information is coming from.

Wikipedia gets 60 million hits per day. Its popularity has never been questioned but its authority has. Proponents of wikipedia have hit back by claiming that the more people contribute to it, the content will become more reliable as time passes.
This may be true, but for doing assiignments or essays, I tend to use this encyclopedia as a starting point rather than rely on it as my only source.
I mean I think its great that technology has let people and myself become their own author on the internet, posting and swapping information.
However, by doing this, I could deliberatly add erroneous information into it, and someone else doing an assigment may use this information thinking it is a relaible source.

So overall, Wikipedia has its advantages and disadvantages. Its a good way to find basic information but more detail, ill move on to a different source...lets just hope the other websites are accurate though.......

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