Monday, April 28, 2008


Does Copyright Matter?? I understand that it does, yet i do everything that organisations are trying to prevent. I download music from limewire and have it in itunes in a matter of minutes and uploaded onto my ipod seconds after that. I download movies or get them off someone else who has already downloaded it. Haha, while writing this im feeling guilty because it seems so bad!! However, im a poor student living in a cold flat where I would rather pay for heating then buying a movie or cd at a store.
One question I do have is: If most people around the world are downloading music from systems like limewire, winamp, kazaar etc, how do musicians get money from their songs? I mean they used to rely on people buying the albums so what happens now....?
Just going to write a short post on this because im doing this topic for my assignment so thought I would save my ideas for the essay!! :)


Nicole said...

I 2 am guilty of ripping off my favourite artists, but like you said we are poor students so no lost sleep. But you think maybe artist could find a new channel of distribution so we could stop having to rip them off like i tunes i guess is a good concept but sometimes i guess you could argue why pay a dollar sixty when you can rip them off for free!

Media Blogger said...

A very small part of me sometimes feels bad... but then I think to my self that if there was nothing available to let me fileshare, then I would still vary rarely purchase the same songs from the stores or even places like iTunes.