Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Surveillance is a topic i have never really thought much of, until i actually read David Lyons article and realised that surveillance is all around us...

He first describes about surveillance through two films "The Net" and "Until the end of the world". This got me thinking about another film "Minority Report" - already mentioned this movie before but these communication topics alway get me thinking about the themes relevant in this futuristic film. One particular scene is when Tom Cruise enters a clothes shop, where his eyes and other peoples are as they enter are scanned, with a computer speaking to each one indiviually about their previous purchases, what they are going to buy etc.

"Computer dependance has become a feature of both global connections and of everyday life."

With this quote in mind, I wonder, in a few years, whether it will be me entering a store comunicating with a computer to decide which items of clothing to buy haha.

I believe that surveillance is definately a positive! i like to think that when i walk into a bank, walk around uni, going through customs at the airport that i am being watched. It makes me feel safe and protected.

In computing, back at school, I always remebered hating being surveillanced by my teacher. On her computer, she would be able to see who I would be sending an email to, and what exactly was in the email. It wasnt like there was anything inappropriate in the email, but just the fact that my every move on the comuter was being watched. it definately made me feel uneasy. Because i use the internet alot, now i think "Can someone else see what im doing...?"

Overall, the positives definately overtake the negatives. I admit a few things are annoying about it, but i would rather feel safe and not paranoid when im doing my everyday routine.....

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