Tuesday, May 20, 2008


We have been told that the internet could be converging with our everyday lives. I remember when I first heard about the internet when I was about 11 and was curious to see what all the fuss was about...now it is an immediate part of my routine. For me, the internet has become like electricity - automatic access, always on, "in the background". The internet is progressing at such a fast rate - first dial - up, then wireless, becoming part of cellphones. Its all around us and we can pretty much access it wherever we want...it would be even greater to connect to absolutely any other tehnological devices I have.

However, for the internet to reach out to everyone in many different forms of technology, it must be affordable. I mean, I have a cellphone that can connect to the internet, but I dont use it because i have to spend money on it, so I would rather just get on my laptop and use it for what I was doing.

One fantastic upgrade which I just found out about which relates to blogging..haha... is that you can use your cellphone to be able to write bebo messages to people. Since blog sites such as bebo, facebook, myspace etc are becoming really popular, it's fascinating to see that you can access these internet blogging sites any time anywhere...wow,technology really is progressing!!!

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