Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Digital Divides

So I kept a log of all the communications/technology I used in a day...and it surprised me to see how much technology I use. I mean I know use alot, but to see actually approximately how many hours/how much electricity I use in my flat...its become pretty clear that I need to make some changes in my life...haha

Ipod - 6 hours

Internet - 3hours

Cellphone- Approx 10 hours haha couldnt really count this one

TV - 7 hours

So reflecting back, I admit that alot of time is wasted sitting or lying down, listening, texting or watching technology, but then i think, this was on a weekend when i did my log and relaxing, not at uni or at work. I have grown up in a digitally priveldged world.
Society today, is based around CMC because our daily lives revolve around technology. When I travelled with my family to Bali a few years ago, I expected to see this place at the other end of the digital divide, however, it was completely the opposite with computers, wireless access points, dvd stores with dvd players, etc -This was around the resorts not around the slums. There systems were not as advanced as ours back home but I understood that this kind of place needs to have technology in the tourism industry - to make people/tourists feel at home but surrounded in a luxurious environment, well for me anyway, less of a culture shock.

I rely on this technology because im surrounded by it. I was never part of the "cellphone craze" where everyone wanted to get the top phones - with cameras, push2talk,videos etc. Then suddenly this was the way everyone was keeping in contact with eachother so now its became a neccessity. Has anyone noticed that telephones arent the number 1 way of communication anymore...? I tend to give people my cellphone number rather than my home phone number.
If I grew up in an isolated village, where technology was not around, I wouldn't be fussed because my priorities would revolve around providing for my family, cooking, cleaning, not getting excited about the new MTV show that was showing soon............

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