Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Microchipping - NO WAY!

Just a quick one -

Ok so about microchipping for people, I fully disagree with this. For animals, I understand that its a different matter. Microchipping is a great tool to help you reunite with a lost pet. It is becoming increasingly standard at shelters: many require all outplaced animals to receive a microchip, and provide the service as part of the adoption package.

Some people may feel more safe and like having something planeted in their arm that would identify them.
Researched microchips on the internet and came across that, "When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved implanting microchips in humans, the manufacturer said it would save lives, letting doctors scan the tiny transponders to access patients’ medical records almost instantly. "
But neither the company nor the regulators publicly mentioned this: A series of veterinary and toxicology studies, dating to the mid-1990s, stated that chip implants had “induced” malignant tumors in some lab mice and rats.
- Abuse of the chips will eliminate personal privacy in the digital age.

Some public statements on the implantation of radio frequency identification devices in people:

-"Once a microchip is implanted in a human being, it's no longer just a privacy issue — it's a human rights matter."
-"We need some system for permanently identifying safe people. Most of us are never going to blow anything up and there's got to be something better than one of these photo IDs ... I wouldn't mind having something planted permanently in my arm that would identify me."

Everyone has their own opinion on the matter, however, I am a great believer in privacy and I think having a system like this would cause greater problems in the end, rather than positive outcomes.
What do you think?


We have been told that the internet could be converging with our everyday lives. I remember when I first heard about the internet when I was about 11 and was curious to see what all the fuss was about...now it is an immediate part of my routine. For me, the internet has become like electricity - automatic access, always on, "in the background". The internet is progressing at such a fast rate - first dial - up, then wireless, becoming part of cellphones. Its all around us and we can pretty much access it wherever we want...it would be even greater to connect to absolutely any other tehnological devices I have.

However, for the internet to reach out to everyone in many different forms of technology, it must be affordable. I mean, I have a cellphone that can connect to the internet, but I dont use it because i have to spend money on it, so I would rather just get on my laptop and use it for what I was doing.

One fantastic upgrade which I just found out about which relates to blogging..haha... is that you can use your cellphone to be able to write bebo messages to people. Since blog sites such as bebo, facebook, myspace etc are becoming really popular, it's fascinating to see that you can access these internet blogging sites any time anywhere...wow,technology really is progressing!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Digital Divides

So I kept a log of all the communications/technology I used in a day...and it surprised me to see how much technology I use. I mean I know use alot, but to see actually approximately how many hours/how much electricity I use in my flat...its become pretty clear that I need to make some changes in my life...haha

Ipod - 6 hours

Internet - 3hours

Cellphone- Approx 10 hours haha couldnt really count this one

TV - 7 hours

So reflecting back, I admit that alot of time is wasted sitting or lying down, listening, texting or watching technology, but then i think, this was on a weekend when i did my log and relaxing, not at uni or at work. I have grown up in a digitally priveldged world.
Society today, is based around CMC because our daily lives revolve around technology. When I travelled with my family to Bali a few years ago, I expected to see this place at the other end of the digital divide, however, it was completely the opposite with computers, wireless access points, dvd stores with dvd players, etc -This was around the resorts not around the slums. There systems were not as advanced as ours back home but I understood that this kind of place needs to have technology in the tourism industry - to make people/tourists feel at home but surrounded in a luxurious environment, well for me anyway, less of a culture shock.

I rely on this technology because im surrounded by it. I was never part of the "cellphone craze" where everyone wanted to get the top phones - with cameras, push2talk,videos etc. Then suddenly this was the way everyone was keeping in contact with eachother so now its became a neccessity. Has anyone noticed that telephones arent the number 1 way of communication anymore...? I tend to give people my cellphone number rather than my home phone number.
If I grew up in an isolated village, where technology was not around, I wouldn't be fussed because my priorities would revolve around providing for my family, cooking, cleaning, not getting excited about the new MTV show that was showing soon............

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Surveillance is a topic i have never really thought much of, until i actually read David Lyons article and realised that surveillance is all around us...

He first describes about surveillance through two films "The Net" and "Until the end of the world". This got me thinking about another film "Minority Report" - already mentioned this movie before but these communication topics alway get me thinking about the themes relevant in this futuristic film. One particular scene is when Tom Cruise enters a clothes shop, where his eyes and other peoples are as they enter are scanned, with a computer speaking to each one indiviually about their previous purchases, what they are going to buy etc.

"Computer dependance has become a feature of both global connections and of everyday life."

With this quote in mind, I wonder, in a few years, whether it will be me entering a store comunicating with a computer to decide which items of clothing to buy haha.

I believe that surveillance is definately a positive! i like to think that when i walk into a bank, walk around uni, going through customs at the airport that i am being watched. It makes me feel safe and protected.

In computing, back at school, I always remebered hating being surveillanced by my teacher. On her computer, she would be able to see who I would be sending an email to, and what exactly was in the email. It wasnt like there was anything inappropriate in the email, but just the fact that my every move on the comuter was being watched. it definately made me feel uneasy. Because i use the internet alot, now i think "Can someone else see what im doing...?"

Overall, the positives definately overtake the negatives. I admit a few things are annoying about it, but i would rather feel safe and not paranoid when im doing my everyday routine.....